Recorded Statement in a Dog Bite Claim - Video

Should you give a recorded statement in a dog bite claim to an insurance company? Watch this video to find out more information. Call for a free consultation.


Should I give a recorded statement to an insurance company?


If you’ve been bit by a dog in the state of Utah, you’ll almost certainly get a call from the homeowner’s insurance company wanting to take your recorded statement. I recommend that you not do that. What they want to do is get the information that helps their case, and hurts your case, and they will use it against you. Instead, I would contact an attorney, talk to them about it, and then get the attorney involved before making a recorded statement.

Were you or a loved one attacked by a dog and have questions about giving a recorded statement in a dog bite claim?

Contact our dedicated Utah dog bite lawyers at Swenson & Shelley today for a free confidential consultation.

Let our experience work for you.