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Malfunctioning Accident Avoidance Technology

If malfunctioning accident avoidance technology was the cause of your car crash, you may be eligible for compensation. Call our office today.


Can I receive compensation if faulty accident avoidance technology caused my crash?


It’s becoming more and more common for vehicles to have accident avoidance technology; things that alert you if a crash is ready to occur or things that will actually control your vehicle to help you avoid a collision. If that technology failed, that’s a factor that we need to look into to see if the vehicle itself could have or should have avoided the collision and the injury, and that’s something that we need to look at to see if the manufacturer of the vehicle might have some sort of responsibility in the collision.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a car crash caused by malfunctioning accident avoidance technology and have questions about receiving compensation?

Contact our dedicated Utah car accident attorneys at Swenson & Shelley today for a free confidential consultation.

Let our experience work for you.

Kevin Swenson was raised in Bountiful, Utah, and is a co-founding partner of Swenson & Shelley. After graduating from Bountiful High School, Kevin attended business school at Westminster College.