Experienced Auto Accident Attorneys in Salt Lake City, Utah

At Swenson & Shelley, our Salt Lake City auto accident lawyers know there is no shortage of traffic crashes here or throughout Utah. Our city’s nearly 205,000 residents must contend with local traffic, highly traveled city streets, and the busy convergence of two cross-country freeways, I-15 and I-80, frequently used by the county’s over 12.4 million leisure and business travelers, and Salt Lake City International Airport travelers, who were reported at a record 26.9 million passengers last year.

The influx of Utah visitors contributes to higher traffic volumes on roads, highways, and public transportation systems. With more vehicles on the road, the likelihood of traffic accidents increases. In addition, visitors may not be familiar with the city’s layout, local traffic laws, or driving customs. This lack of familiarity can lead to navigation errors, confusion at intersections, and other driving mistakes that increase the risk of accidents.

When residents or visitors are injured or lose a loved one in a traffic crash, our Salt Lake County car accident attorneys help them pick up the pieces.

Our Salt Lake City auto accident attorneys are not just knowledgeable and adept, but also deeply compassionate. We understand that every accident is unique and requires customized legal solutions to pursue actual results. No matter how it occurred, you do not have to fight your personal injury battle alone. We are here to help, to support you. Contact us today to learn more.

Traffic crashes are always shocking and often devastating. They can leave you with painful injuries, missed work, mounting medical bills, and other burdens. Obtaining compensation can help you account for these losses, but Utah car accident victims may run into trouble getting the money they need when it matters most.

Getting honest legal advice is crucial when pursuing fair compensation after a crash. A Salt Lake City car accident attorney can investigate the crash, build your case, and negotiate with the insurance company for a settlement that accounts for your past and future needs. If necessary, a skilled trial lawyer can also fight for the compensation you deserve in court.

When you need the right firm for car accidents in Salt Lake City, turn to Swenson & Shelley. Our proven attorneys have the skills, knowledge, and resources to pursue maximum compensation and justice for you.

Our attorneys are available 24/7 to provide the legal support you need during this difficult time. Contact us today for a free consultation.

When the Worst Has Happened, We Fight for What’s Best for You.

Why Speeding Accidents Lead to Catastrophic Injuries and Tragic Fatalities in Salt Lake City, Utah

Last year, the Utah Department Of Public Safety Highway Safety Office reported 58,992 traffic crashes throughout the state, which resulted in 25,325 injuries and 319 fatalities. According to their reports, speeding contributed to 14% of all Utah traffic crashes and 35% of all fatal crashes throughout the state.

Speeding accidents often lead to catastrophic injuries and tragic fatalities due to several factors including, but not limited to:

  • Increased Impact Force

The faster a vehicle travels, the greater the impact force in a collision. This increased force can cause more severe damage to vehicles and occupants involved in the crash, leading to catastrophic injuries.

  • Reduced Reaction Time

Speeding reduces the time a driver has to react to hazards on the road, such as sudden stops, obstacles, or other vehicles. This increases the likelihood of collisions and makes it harder for drivers to avoid accidents.

  • Difficulty in Controlling the Vehicle

Higher speeds make it more difficult for drivers to maintain control of their vehicles, especially in adverse weather conditions or on winding roads. Loss of control can lead to rollover accidents, collisions with other vehicles, or running off the road, resulting in catastrophic injuries.

  • Increased Stopping Distance

Speeding vehicles require more time and distance to come to a complete stop than vehicles traveling at lower speeds. This increased stopping distance can result in rear-end collisions, particularly if the speeding driver fails to brake to avoid a collision.

  • Severity of Injuries Upon Impact

In a speeding accident, the impact force can cause occupants to be thrown against the vehicle’s interior or ejected from the car entirely. This can result in catastrophic injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, internal organ damage, or severe fractures.

  • Limited Effectiveness of Safety Features

While modern vehicles are equipped with various safety features such as airbags, seat belts, and crumple zones, these features may be less effective in high-speed collisions. The increased force of impact can overwhelm safety systems, leading to more severe injuries for occupants.

  • Collateral Damage

Speeding accidents can also cause collateral damage, such as striking pedestrians, cyclists, or stationary objects like roadside barriers or buildings. The combination of high speed and the vulnerability of pedestrians and cyclists can result in catastrophic injuries or fatalities.

Speeding accidents not only cause physical harm but also have a profound psychological impact on survivors, witnesses, and the families of those involved. The emotional toll of catastrophic injuries and tragic fatalities can be long-lasting and deeply traumatic. If you have been injured or lost a loved one because of a speeding or otherwise negligent driver, contact our skilled auto accident attorneys in Salt Lake City for help today. We can help you understand your legal rights and options so you can make informed decisions about the direction of your claim and pursue the compensation you need to get your life back on track.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Salt Lake City

Many factors can contribute to collisions on Salt Lake City roads and highways. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Distracted driving – Drivers talking on the phone, texting, eating, or engaging in other distractions can cause life-threatening collisions.
  • Speeding – Driving too fast reduces a driver’s ability to stop in time to accommodate changing traffic conditions. Speed-related collisions often cause severe injuries due to the violent force of impact between the vehicles involved.
  • Drunk driving – Intoxication impairs a motorist’s coordination, judgment, and reaction time, increasing the chances of a car crash.
  • Aggressive driving – Weaving through traffic, tailgating, ignoring traffic signals, and other reckless behaviors put everyone at risk.
  • Inclement weather – Rain, snow, and ice make roads slick and visibility poor, increasing accident risks — particularly when other drivers fail to take the necessary precautions.
  • Unsafe lane changes – Failing to signal and check blind spots before changing lanes can lead to sideswipe crashes.
  • Fatigued driving – Estimates suggest nearly 6,000 fatal crashes each year are due to drowsy driving.

Many times, a crash can have several underlying causes. More than one party may be liable in these situations. Working with a personal injury attorney in Salt Lake City can help identify who should be held responsible for your injuries.

What Are the Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Salt Lake City?

Being in an auto accident can be disorienting and scary, making it difficult to think in the aftermath of a collision. However, knowing what steps to take can protect your rights and strengthen your injury claim. Here’s what to do:

  • Seek medical attention, even if you feel OK – A prompt examination protects your health and ensures documentation of your injuries on your medical record.
  • Report the crash to the police – An officer will create an official accident report, which your attorney can use later as evidence.
  • Document the scene – If you can, take photos of the vehicles involved in the crash, your visible injuries, skid marks, and relevant environmental conditions. Gather witness names and contact information.
  • Check your insurance policy – Most insurers have deadlines to notify them of a crash. If you have time, it’s wise to talk to a car accident lawyer before talking to the insurance company. If you cannot reach an attorney, keep your accident report brief and factual.
  • Keep detailed records – Save all accident-related documents, such as medical bills, auto repair invoices, receipts, pay stubs, and correspondence with insurance companies.
  • Consult an auto accident attorney in Salt Lake City – A skilled lawyer can handle dealings with insurance providers while you heal.

Following these steps helps optimize your chances of receiving maximum compensation. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Salt Lake City can advise you on protecting your rights.

Types of Compensation Available for Car Accident Victims

If you sustain injuries in a Utah auto accident, you first seek compensation through your no-fault insurance provider. For serious injuries, you may be able to step outside the no-fault system and demand additional compensation, including money for:

  • Medical expenses – Current and future costs of medical treatment related to the crash
  • Lost wages – Reimbursement for past and future income you lost or will lose
  • Pain and suffering – Monetary compensation for physical and emotional trauma
  • Loss of consortium – Compensation for injuries that negatively impact family relationships
  • Punitive damages – Extra compensation meant to punish a grossly negligent driver

All cases are different, and the compensation you receive will depend on the circumstances of your accident and the severity of your injuries. An auto accident attorney in Salt Lake City, Utah can calculate the full value of your losses and fight to help you obtain the money you are owed.

Hiring a Local Car Accident Lawyer in Salt Lake City

When hiring a Salt Lake City car accident attorney, you want an experienced, aggressive, and compassionate legal professional. Look for a lawyer who:

  • Focuses specifically on personal injury cases
  • Has a history of obtaining favorable verdicts and settlements for injured people
  • Is familiar with Utah laws and court procedures
  • Has resources to investigate your crash thoroughly
  • Will compassionately guide you through the claims process
  • Will fight tirelessly for the best possible results in your case

The Salt Lake City car crash lawyers at Swenson & Shelley fit the bill. With decades of experience and a proven track record of success, our legal team has helped thousands of clients in Utah get justice after catastrophic crashes. We are aggressive advocates dedicated to getting accident victims full and fair compensation. Our legal team will thoroughly investigate the crash, work with accident reconstruction specialists as needed, consult with medical professionals and handle all aspects of the claims process for you.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a Utah auto collision, contact Swenson & Shelley today for a free case review.

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Contact Our Leading Car Crash Injury Lawyers in Salt Lake City, Utah

Call us today at (801)-447-5464 or contact us online to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation where you can learn immediately whether your claim is eligible to move forward with legal action.

We do not charge any fees upfront for our services. Instead, you pay us only if we secure payment for you. That makes getting legal help accessible and allows you to focus on your recovery. Contact us now to learn more.