Motorcycle Accident Caused by Bad Roads - Video

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a motorcycle accident caused by bad roads? Watch this video to find out if you are eligible for compensation.


Can I recover compensation if I was injured in a motorcycle accident caused by bad roads?


If you’ve been injured in the state of Utah in a motorcycle crash due to bad roads or poor maintenance of the roads, you may have a claim. They’re not easy claims. It’s hard to sue the government, but that can be done in the right case. There has to be fault on the government entity that’s responsible for that road, and it has to be brought in a much shorter period of time than a normal claim in the state of Utah. If you think that your injury was caused by bad roads or improper maintenance, talk to somebody about that relatively quickly.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in a motorcycle crash caused by poor road conditions and want to know if you are eligible to receive compensation?

Contact our dedicated Utah motorcycle accident attorneys at Swenson & Shelley today for a free confidential consultation.

Let our experience work for you.